You can find the worst drivers in the streets of Tehran

Mom on the overpass
I woke up very early this morning and worked at my computer for a while, took care of some data organizing, and then had breakfast with Mom. We drove down to Jome'eh Bazaar, which means "Friday Bazaar". Anything and everything that you can think of is sold here. Three floors of an indoor garage are turned into a flea market and Iranians and foreigners both flock the place. Most of the things sold can be found in the regular bazaars, but it has become a popular place for Tehranis and tourists to go to. I found a few things for my friends back in the USA. I also found out that I am a much better bargainer than my own mother! I was bargaining for her!

"No, you are asking too much for these...."
We met up for lunch with my cousins at a restaurant in central Tehran and then everyone came to our place. Nanaz, my cousin whom I'm very close to, joined us later. My favorite Aunt, Aunt Fakhri, was with us also.

Mom and her sister, Aunt Fakhri, and a few of my cousins

I love my Aunt Fakhri